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2 min read

The Stark Method

The Stark Method

You're thinking about hiring a personal trainer for a reason. You want to change your body! Personal trainers might be experts in exercise, but they leave out all the other aspects that play a critical role in achieving your goals of obtaining a higher level of health and fitness.

When you come to Stark and you tell us that you want to hire a personal trainer, we give you a team.

We are your personal team of doctors, nutritionists, coaches, and chiropractors working together on your behalf to create the best version of YOU! This is why STARK is what personal training wishes it was.

This is the STARK method.

  1. The Problem Personal Training Leaves
  2. Stark's Solution
  3. How It Works

The Problem Personal Training Leaves

You're thinking about hiring a personal trainer for a reason. You want to change your body! That’s great, now you have a goal. The goal is to achieve a higher level of health and fitness than the level you’re currently at. Of course, there are obstacles in between you and your goal. Minimal exercise, untreated injuries, poor nutrition, poor sleep, unbalanced hormones, and perhaps most importantly, a lack of time are the main obstacles everyone faces when it comes to improving their health. When you hire a personal trainer, you only receive help in overcoming one of those obstacles. Personal trainers might be experts in exercise, but they leave out all the other aspects that play a critical role in achieving your goals. 

STARK’S Solution

In the health and fitness world, there are a great number of experts in a greater number of individual fields. There are personal trainers, general practitioners, nutritionists, chiropractors, and so on. What each specialty practices plays a crucial role in achieving your health and fitness goals. Every aspect, like the 10 spokes in our Wheel of Health, needs to be addressed in order to optimize your health. This comprehensive approach ultimately leads to optimal being.

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If you are fortunate enough to have one of each of these health experts at your service, I have this to say to you:

  1. good for you,
  2. you are probably smart enough to realize that it takes an enormous amount of time and money to do so, and
  3. you have most certainly heard lots of conflicting opinions from the various individuals.

Still, you face extreme challenges.

STARK’s solution to this problem is a team of highly trained health specialists, who collaborate and create a multifaceted and tailored plan to help you achieve your goal of improving your health and fitness. It sounds simple, and it is. A team of doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, chiropractors, and more, work together to save you energy, money, resources, and time. 

Check out our Health is a Skill podcast episode 1: Health Expert Reveals How He Got Into The Best Shape Of His Life

How It Works

Trying to maximize efficiency in pursuit of your goals should be key. However, things can get complicated. STARK’s team of health specialists don’t compete with one another for your best health, they collaborate for it. They don’t give conflicting advice. They break things down in a simple, easy way so that you know exactly what you must do in order to achieve your goals. 

Our doctor speaks to our nutritionist about your thyroid issue. Our chiropractor speaks to our personal trainers about your recent low back injury. All of this happens in a single place without you needing to play "go-between."  There’s no confusion, no worrying, just health experts working together for you, at your convenience. Like I said, simple. 

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