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The 360° Blog

Your guide to optimal performance, nutrition, client stories, and weight loss.


3 min read

Why Hormone Optimization Is More Complex In Women

When it comes to hormone optimization, the process can be significantly more complex for females compared to males. But why exactly is this the case?...

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1 min read

6 Practical Tips to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States — in both men and women. While men tend to worry about cardiovascular risk...

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Wheel of Health graphic showing 10 spokes which make up the methodology of optimal well being

3 min read

Understanding the Wheel of Health: Stark's Comprehensive Approach to Well-Being

At Stark, we believe that true health encompasses far more than just physical fitness. It's about achieving a harmonious balance across all aspects...

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3 min read

Vitamin D: More Than Just a Vitamin

When we hear the term "vitamin D," most of us think of it as just another essential nutrient, grouped alongside vitamins like A, B, and C. However,...

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1 min read

What To Do About Testosterone Lowering Stress

Imagine the stress of everyday life taking a toll not just on your mood, but on your body as well. Sounds alarming, right? From fatigue to disrupted...

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3 min read

A Guide to Healthy Skincare

In the age of the internet it seems like people will try just about anything to look their best, especially when it comes to skincare. Despite an...

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2 min read

What Are PFAs?

Have you heard of PFAs? They might sound like a complex acronym from the tech industry, but they stand for something far more troubling — Per- and...

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1 min read

Masterclass: How to Elevate Testosterone Levels Naturally

Understanding your body's hormonal balance, especially testosterone, and attempting to naturally optimize your hormones is critical in remaining...

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3 min read

Sleep Your Way to Better Health

Sleep is often relegated to the background in our bustling lives, overshadowed by the pursuit of success, health, and happiness. Yet, as our nights...

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an hourglass on a table

3 min read

4 Things Every Woman Over 30 Should Know About Perimenopause

For women, the pathway from adolescence to a certain age can feel like charting a course into the unknown. One of those signposts along the way is...

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