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The 360° Blog

Your guide to optimal performance, nutrition, client stories, and weight loss.

Body Composition

3 min read

12 Ways to Optimize Gut Health for Better Abs

When it comes to achieving your best body, one secret power lies quietly within – your gut health. There's a remarkable connection between an optimal...

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2 min read

Liver, Laugh, Love - One Organ's Connection to Looks, Energy, & Health

When we find ourselves chronically fatigued, prone to illness, or just not looking our best, we often attribute it to our diet or lack of physical...

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Wheel of Health graphic showing 10 spokes which make up the methodology of optimal well being

3 min read

Understanding the Wheel of Health: Stark's Comprehensive Approach to Well-Being

At Stark, we believe that true health encompasses far more than just physical fitness. It's about achieving a harmonious balance across all aspects...

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2 min read

BMI vs DEXA Scan

Understanding and accurately measuring body composition is crucial for assessing health and developing effective fitness strategies. While Body Mass...

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Stark Naked trophy with previous contestant winners

2 min read

Prepare to Unleash Your Strength as Stark Naked 2024 Approaches

Stark Naked returns in 2024, pushing the boundaries of ultimate wellness. Mark your calendars!

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5 min read

How Does Alcohol Effect Your Metabolism?

Whether you are a fitness newbie, or you’ve been tracking your macros for years, you might have questions about how that cocktail is going to affect...

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2 min read

Trends We Love: Walking Pads & Under Desk Treadmills

The frantic pace of modern life often leaves little room for one of the simplest yet the most underrated activities of all—walking. But imagine being...

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3 min read

3 Secrets to Enhance Your Training Results Outside the Gym

Did you know that the secret to amplifying your strength gains lies not only in what you do inside the gym but also in how you lead your life outside...

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2 min read

Boosting Vitality with B-12 Injections

Vitamin B-12, a vital nutrient for our body's proper functioning, plays a crucial role in various bodily processes, including energy production,...

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flowing water

2 min read

Is 'Water Weight' A Real Factor in Weight Loss?

Are you on a weight loss journey but not seeing the results on the scale? Do you feel you're doing everything right – consuming protein-rich foods,...

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