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The 360° Blog

Your guide to optimal performance, nutrition, client stories, and weight loss.

Mental Well-Being

4 min read

Should Kids Strength Train?

In today’s fast-paced digital world, ensuring that children stay active is more critical than ever. Physical activity plays a vital role in the...

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2 min read

What Is Somatic Exercise?

In today's fast-paced world, the quest for holistic wellness has led many to explore alternative forms of exercise. Somatic exercise, rooted in the...

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4 min read

The Power of Psychobiotics

In recent years, the health and wellness industry has placed a growing emphasis on the intricate relationship between the mind and the gut. A new...

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7 min read

Why You Need Stress

Disclaimer: Chronic stress is a genuine concern in our current environment. Continuous "fight-or-flight" responses and prolonged cortisol exposure...

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1 min read

The Real Connection Between Happy and Healthy

Our health and happiness are intricately connected, orchestrated by the interaction among our brain, hormones, and the mind-body bond. Understanding...

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Wheel of Health graphic showing 10 spokes which make up the methodology of optimal well being

3 min read

Understanding the Wheel of Health: Stark's Comprehensive Approach to Well-Being

At Stark, we believe that true health encompasses far more than just physical fitness. It's about achieving a harmonious balance across all aspects...

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2 min read

Products We Love: The Gratitude Journal

It can be easy to get swept up in a whirlwind of endless notifications, emails, deadlines, and pressures in today's busy world. Ironically, this...

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3 min read

Todd's Advice to Parents Struggling with Their Health

For many parents, the singular devotion to their children's wellbeing can often lead them to neglect their own health. The relentless schedule of...

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3 min read

4 Reasons to Utilize Positive Self-Talk

In the world of self-improvement, the power of positive self-talk is often preached. Despite its simplicity, this approach to mental health and...

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3 min read

3 Secrets to Enhance Your Training Results Outside the Gym

Did you know that the secret to amplifying your strength gains lies not only in what you do inside the gym but also in how you lead your life outside...

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