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The 360° Blog

Your guide to optimal performance, nutrition, client stories, and weight loss.

7 min read

Why You Need Stress

Disclaimer: Chronic stress is a genuine concern in our current environment. Continuous "fight-or-flight" responses and prolonged cortisol exposure...

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3 min read

Peptides: About These Tiny Powerhouses

Peptides are fast becoming a buzzword in health, wellness, and beauty circles. But what exactly are peptides, and why are they generating so much...

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3 min read

Food v. Supplements: Which Is Better For Nutrition?

When it comes to nutrition, the question of whether to utilize supplements or not is a hot topic. Many people are turning to supplements as a quick...

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2 min read

3 Steps to Reduce Cortisol

It doesn’t matter whether you’re dealing with work-related, emotional, or physical stress — stress takes a major toll on the body. We’re all dealing...

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1 min read

The Real Connection Between Happy and Healthy

Our health and happiness are intricately connected, orchestrated by the interaction among our brain, hormones, and the mind-body bond. Understanding...

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1 min read

6 Practical Tips to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States — in both men and women. While men tend to worry about cardiovascular risk...

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2 min read

A Firm Foundation: The Relationship Between Strength Training & Bone Density

Bone health is crucial as we age, impacting our mobility, strength, and overall quality of life. One key factor in maintaining bone health is bone...

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1 min read

Get Out of Your Rut, Fix Your Gut: 4 Simple Steps to a Better Gut

Gut health serves as the control center for overall wellness, overseeing various facets of wellbeing, from fatigue and joint pain to acne and even...

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Wheel of Health graphic showing 10 spokes which make up the methodology of optimal well being

3 min read

Understanding the Wheel of Health: Stark's Comprehensive Approach to Well-Being

At Stark, we believe that true health encompasses far more than just physical fitness. It's about achieving a harmonious balance across all aspects...

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2 min read

BMI vs DEXA Scan

Understanding and accurately measuring body composition is crucial for assessing health and developing effective fitness strategies. While Body Mass...

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