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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

There are so many opinions, rumors and news about the risks and benefits of TRT, so we assembled our team to answer all of your questions. Watch the free, prerecorded Q&A on Testosterone Replacement Therapy, with LIVE answers from STARK's medical team.

Fill out the form below to watch the free Q&A.


TRT Basics

Learn the basics about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, such as which type of treatment option is most effective, the recommended frequency of treatment, optimal levels of testosterone, and more.

Effects & Risks

Be informed about symptoms of low testosterone and how TRT may be able to resolve those issues, as well as side effects to be aware of before beginning Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Lifestyle Factors

If you aren't a good candidate for TRT but are dealing with symptoms of low testosterone, there are diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits you can adopt to naturally increase hormone production.



Todd Vande Hei

Founder & CEO of Stark
Dr. Alice Nguyen, NMD

Dr. Alice Nguyen, NMD

Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Untitled design-2-May-24-2024-12-09-41-7433-AM

Dr. Jeehah Yu, NMD

Naturopathic Medical Doctor

What is TRT?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a treatment for men with low testosterone levels, aiming to restore normal levels and alleviate symptoms like reduced libido and fatigue. It can be administered through injections, gels, patches, or implants, and requires regular medical monitoring due to potential side effects.