The 360° Blog

The Forgotten Road Block: Overcoming Inflammation

Written by Stark | Feb 6, 2024 2:44:21 AM

In the pursuit of a healthier, slimmer you, have you ever encountered a frustrating obstacle where, despite your efforts, the scale refuses to budge? You're not alone; many individuals striving to shed pounds face a critical point in their weight-loss journey: inflammation, an often overlooked roadblock.

Understanding the impact of inflammation on weight loss is key to breaking through stagnation. Exploring the science of inflammation and its role in managing weight is a crucial step toward achieving your ideal physique.


The Weight Loss Plateau

The weight loss plateau is a dreaded phase where progress on the scale halts, despite consistent adherence to a weight loss plan. It can be frustrating and derail even the most motivated individuals. There are flawed beliefs that plateaus are a result of not working hard enough or that genetics play a cruel hand, making weight loss an impossible feat. The truth is far less deterministic. The seemingly immovable scale is often due to an overlooked, yet powerful internal factor: systemic inflammation.

Inflammation, the body's natural defense mechanism, can turn on itself, causing a host of health issues, including weight loss resistance. For those of us engaging in high-intensity workouts and regularly pushing our physical limits, exercise-related inflammation can become a chronic concern. The result? An internal environment primed for weight retention and a metabolism reluctantly suspended in a fight-or flight state.


Spotting the Signs of Inflammation

Recognizing the more subtle clues that inflammation may be playing a role in your weight loss struggles is the first step towards a diagnostic breakthrough. These signs are your body's distress signals, an SOS alert that demands your attention:

  • Are you retaining water?
  • Are you getting nauseous in the gym?
  • Do you have low energy?
  • Do you have puffiness under the eyes?

How to Reduce Inflammation

Fortunately, there's a simple solution to address this underlying problem and jumpstart your weight loss progress. By focusing on reducing inflammation, you can support your body in its fight against weight retention and get back on the path to success.

• Remove any food sensitivities from your diet: If you haven't already, get tested so you know which foods you are reactive to and can remove those sensitive from your diet.

• Avoid processed foods: Consuming inflammatory foods are a sure fire way to keep inflammation high and body composition results low.

• Meditate: Implementing stress-reduction techniques, such as mindfulness practices or regular meditation, can counteract the inflammatory response.

• Prioritize recovery & sleep: Prioritizing rest, ample sleep, and easy exercise days is crucial for allowing the body to heal from the microtraumas associated with vigorous workouts.

• Drink 4oz of (real) cranberry juice in 28oz of water: A strategic blend that provides both anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, flushing out excess water weight and toxins.


Empower yourself with the knowledge of how inflammation can derail your weight loss efforts. This understanding is key to not only overcoming plateaus but also to sustaining your results long-term. Incorporating these insights and practices into your weight loss journey may be just what you need to reignite the fire of progress. The path to a healthier you is riddled with challenges, but with each hurdle successfully navigated, you emerge a more resilient and knowledgeable advocate for your own well-being. And if you ever need help, remember the team at Stark is always here to help!